
Egypt's history is a mirror of the history of humanity For the land of Egypt first appeared Civilizations of the world by more than seven thousand years of interaction which
Egyptians with many civilizations and cultures, but remained to Egypt Identity and privacy across all ages, has made Egypt the world's productive Culturally distinct in all epochs, which passed by a history: the era Pharaonic, Greek, and then-era Romanian, Coptic Valhakbp
Then the Islamic period up to the modern era, which began with Muhammad Ali Pasha and the establishment of a modern state, to the revolution of Jan 25 .

January 25, 2011 revolution in Egypt

In the twenty-fifth of January the flowers came out of Egypt, wonderful young people
Evgro revolution to revolution youth to demand the liberalization of the country from restrictions
And violence
Inado and their demands for reform of the country ....

Share your opinion ......... Your opinion is important

Reasons Revolution | Revolution reasons January 25

Began an unprecedented popular uprising on Tuesday the twenty-fifth of January 2011 to protest the living conditions and political and economic conditions and considered corrupt under the rule of President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak.

Was the revolution that overthrew the popular Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali a significant impact in sparking public anger in Egypt towards the continuation of the Mubarak regime.

The focus of the spark that erupted because of the revolution "lotus" has also become known as the media at several points, including:

The influence of the police

Under the emergency law suffered the Egyptian citizen from injustice and violation of their rights, which is how to arrest, imprisonment and murder, and most famous of these events murder of a young Alexandrian Khalid Mohammed Said, who died at the hands of the police in the region of Sidi Gaber on the sixth of June 2010, after he was beaten And dragged to death in front of a number of eyewitnesses.

And the death of another young man is Mr. Bilal during his detention in State Security in Alexandria, after being tortured in the aftermath of the bombing of the Saints Church in Alexandria.

The total victims of violence, the Egyptian Interior Ministry to about 350 (martyr) in the last three years, according to estimates by human rights organizations.

Hosni Mubarak

Continuation of the term of Hosni Mubarak since 1981, and for thirty years have been in Egypt for theft and looting of his court and ministers of successive governments, which had a significant impact on the economic and social deterioration in addition to the marked decline in the level of education and high rates of unemployment and crime.

Poor economic conditions, social and political

In the report of Transparency International (an international organization to monitor all forms of corruption including political corruption) evaluated Egypt to 3.1 in 2010 based on the perceptions of the degree of corruption, from businessmen and analysts, the state, where 10 means very clean and 0 means highly corrupt. It occupies Egypt ranked 98 out of 178 countries included in the report.

With the end of last year 2010 arrived in Egypt's total population living below the poverty line for about 40%, the total per capita income for about two dollars a day.

Export gas to Israel

In 2004, entered into four contracts under which Egypt to export natural gas to Israel, extending the work to the year 2030.

And caused this crisis in several decades because of opposition from oil experts and former ambassadors, especially the export enclave that does not begin only if there is surplus money available in Egypt.

And considered that contracts a waste of public money and a courtesy call on Israel as well as marred by corruption and lack of transparency, called the Supreme Administrative Court for the issuance of the provisions of the invalidity of the decision, Minister of Petroleum Sameh Fahmi on his nomination as directors of public companies to sell gas to the Company, Salem, which in turn export to the Israeli Electricity Company.

Bombing of a church in Alexandria Saints

A terrorist attack occurred in Alexandria in the first New Year's Day 2011, the center of Christmas celebrations for the Oriental Churches.

The process resulted in the occurrence of 25 people (including Muslims) were also wounded about 97 others.

Interesting thing is that some papers that were found in the last few days describing the involvement of the Egyptian Interior Ministry (information not confirmed) and they were behind the bombing, with the assistance of terrorist groups, and there is a secret weapon was founded twenty-two officers and under the supervision of the Minister of the Interior, "Habib al-Adli" to intimidate Citizens and undermine their sense of security, and promoting the ideas of sectarian strife.